Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lady Gaga: "Oprah's Much More Important Than I Am"

Lady Gaga: "Oprah's Much More Important Than I Am"

Recently proclaimed as the most powerful celebrity by Forbes magazine, Lady Gaga has finally opened up about the triumphant title bestowed upon to her by one of the more highly regarded publications around.

Talking with Extra, the "Born This Way" singer was a bit passive about claiming the top spot from longtime frontrunner Oprah Winfrey, saying, "That's very nice, only Oprah is infinitely more important and influential than me. I'm just grateful to have even ever met her, really. What matters most to me is how the fans feel about the work that I'm doing and the music. But it's always really, really nice to get compliments like that. I really appreciate it."

Set to release her new album this coming Tuesday (May 23), Gaga said of her musical offering, "'Born This Way' is about living halfway between reality and fantasy. I wrote the whole record myself. It's my metaphor about the real you and the magic that's inside of you. The fans are what keep that alive in me. 'Born this Way' is now our attempt as a community to tell the world 'Magic is not artificial, it's real. Theatre is not artifice; theatre is not a joke'."

In part of her many promotions associated with album's release, the 25-year-old is also set to appear on this weekend's season finale of "Saturday Night Live" alongside host Justin Timberlake.

 gossipcenter/Photo Credit: Getty Images

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